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Lumen Christi Archives

archives02 450The Archives of Lumen Christi, Catholic Parish

The Archives Office is responsible firstly for the collection, preservation and management of memorabilia, parish registers, books and documents relating to the history of Lumen Christi, Catholic Parish Wollongong and secondly, is responsible for the education of parishioners and students in this collection.

Archive material (from parish registers, books, documents and histories) may be requested by bona fide researchers, within the restraints of privacy, using the attached application form.  If approved, the requests will be researched by the Archivist at a cost of $60.00 per hour or $35 per half hour or part thereof.

Amateur researchers of family history seeking information from parish registers should direct their request to the Archivist for consideration. The research is conducted by the Archivist at a cost of $35 per enquiry of an individual.

archives01 450History
Currently the Archivist is writing the history of the Catholic Church in Lumen Christi Catholic Parishes, Wollongong from the first European settlement in the Illawarra to 1935. To date this history is recorded in two publications:

By the Light of Christ: How Catholicism came to the Illawarra (2013) and

The Illawarra Flame: The Catholic Church in the Wollongong District, 1838 to 1889 (2015)

A third book, The Light of the World: The Catholic Church and the Parish of St Francis Xavier, 1890 to 1935, should be published in late 2016. Copies of these publications may be purchased from Parish Office, 36 Harbour Street, Wollongong.

The Archivist writes occasional articles for the Parish Bulletin to commemorate significant events or anniversaries in the history of the parish.

Contact:  Neil Dwyer & Michael Dwyer  
36 Harbour Street, Wollongong NSW 2500
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Application for Access to the Archives of Lumen Christi Catholic Parish Wollongong


Articles from the Archivist 

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