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"Life is changed ... not ended" - Catholic Funerals

The Christian life is the journey “from the womb to the tomb”. Just as we celebrate the beginning of a life at birth, so must we also bid farewell to a life at death. Our Baptism opens up for us the journey to eternal life with God in the context of the Christian Catholic community. A Catholic Funeral is the time for the bereaved and the community to pray for the deceased as well as to console one another with our faith in eternal life. A Catholic Funeral centres on the hope that is intrinsic to our Christian faith. It is with this hope that we farewell our loved ones.

The church is the usual place in which a Catholic Funeral is celebrated. The form of the funeral is worked out with the priest and may occur within a Mass of Christian Burial or within a service of prayers and Scripture. The priest will assist the bereaved in the various details of the funeral ceremony: the selection of Scripture Readings, hymns, Prayer of the Faithful, as well as organisational details of the church service.

A person nominated by your family may give some words of remembrance or, a eulogy. This should be no more than five minutes and needs to be well prepared. It should answer the question, “what am I grateful for in the life of...?” This talk is there to help the congregation give thanks to God for a life which has touched them.

We recommend that all Catholics make known to their family and friends their wishes for a Catholic Funeral. This may be done in conversation or in a letter left with the next of kin.

Contact:  Lumen Christi, Parish Office
36 Harbour Street, Wollongong NSW 2500
Tel: 02 4211 0500
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.