title 2023cq5dam.web.1280.1280

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Scripture Donation

We welcome your children to the catechist classes and sincerely hope they will benefit in the instruction in the Catholic faith.

It is timely to be mindful that parents are indispensable in instilling faith in their children. No catechist can adequately fulfil this role. Faith, after life itself, is the most precious gift we can give our children because it ensures their happiness here and for all eternity. Faith enables us to believe in God and to accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. The teachings of His Church put us on the road to achieving this happiness.

The Parish provides the catechists with activity books and sheets for your child’s weekly lessons in Religious Education. Therefore, to help afford the cost of these materials, we would appreciate it if you would make a donation of $12.00 for your child’s scripture books below.

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Donations are not tax deductible.