Share the Good News of Salvation

We are called to reveal the Light of Christ to the world.

Jubilee Year

sfx pilgrim site btn2 300

jubilee year btn2 300

Jubilee Dinner

bishop visitation btn2 300

Parish Contacts

emailpc btn2 300

emailpfc btn2 300

Contact the Parish Office

privacy btn2 300


baptism btn 450

reconciliation btn 450

eucharist btn2 300

confirmation btn2 300

marriage btn2 300

funerals btn2 300

sacramental btn2 300

rcia btn2 300


inourparish btn2 300

parishpastoralplan 275

masstimes btn2 300

support btn2 300

register btn2 300

volunteer btn2 300

youngadults btn2 300


massathome btn2 300

prayers btn2 300

votivecandles btn2 300

columbarium btn2 300

Our Schools

fairymeadowps btn2 300

gwynnevilleps btn2 300